Remote Leadership Tips - SucceedSmart Leadership Hiring Platform

6 Tips for Effective Remote Leadership

by | Nov 29, 2021 | Leadership Candidates, Leadership Tips

The nature of the modern workplace has shifted dramatically over the past few years. The ability to remotely lead an effective team is vital for executives in today’s business environment. Regardless of the size of your remote workforce, here are six tips to help set you up as a proactive and powerful leader.

Leadership is not a position, it’s a responsibility. A true leader guides their team to success by inspiring them to develop themselves and collectively translate a vision into reality. Basically, effective leadership uplifts and empowers everyone on the team, regardless of the circumstances.

Today, work-from-home no longer represents a rare privilege bestowed on the lucky few who earned the incentive. Work-from-home has become the mode of work necessary in order for the business world to remain operational.

Leading a decentralized team across different locations is a daunting task, requiring a shift in mindset along with the development of some specific skills. Leaders need to promote a remote work culture based on responsiveness, accessibility, and trust. A study of almost five-thousand employees says that the visibility and accessibility of leaders helps boost the confidence and performance of team members.

Below are 6 helpful tips to help you lead your remote workforce effectively:

  • Establish trust – when in-person meetings are no longer an option, it’s crucial to develop trust in order to boost your team’s morale, growth, and productivity. Executives, this means you need to show that you trust team members to make any/all required decisions at their level and implement them effectively and efficiently.
  • Be compassionate – Practice compassion and remember that you lead human beings with actual personal lives. Be proactive and reach out to your team more frequently to extend your support. Let your team know that you are there for them if they face any challenges. Any/all empathy shown to your team will help establish a level of inclusiveness within your organization and within your team leadership.
  • Clarity of goals and expectations – It’s imperative to define mutually acceptable goals and to set clear expectations in a remote work environment. It helps your team focus on current deliverables without the hassles of micro-management. 
  • Connect with your team – Proactively create communication channels, like Slack, allowing your  team to connect easily. Also, extend your support in setting up informal channels for the team to connect virtually, just as they might have done in an office setting. Join these sessions sometimes. It will help you to understand your team better. 
  • Over Communicate – Regular and consistent communication is key. Show your support to your team, stakeholders, and clients. Message clearly that you’re simply there for them.
  • Share timely feedback – Your team always benefits from receiving constructive and actionable feedback periodically. Such regular insights also help the team improve and follow a growth roadmap and mindset. As a leader you should make yourself accessible and approachable. Spread the message “How can I help?” loud and clear to your team. A lack of feedback has been referenced as a major reason for employees seeking new opportunities recently. Don’t lose your best employees due to a lack of feedback.

High levels of trust, compassion, and inclusiveness demanded by employees will compel executives like yourself to adopt new leadership styles. Don’t wait, get started now to help steer your team and company achieve efficiency, operational excellence, and enhanced productivity. Executives going through similar transitions serve as an excellent resource to tap into. Join the most affordable executive search platform – SucceedSmart today, tap into its exclusive executive peer network, and start connecting with talented leaders looking to build quality relationships.

You may also be in interested to understand – A leader’s role during a crisis.

Below are some additional resources.

Forbes – 5 Ways to Be a Successful Remote Leader
MIT – 5 Ways Leaders Can Support Remote Work
Forbes – How to Lead a Team In a Remote Work Environment